
It's gettn' hot.

A good heatwave for the NW has finally come. I was pretty tired Monday and needed to do 'life' stuff like laundry and the such so I was only on the bike to/from work. On Tues. I decided to do some hill efforts. On the way home I ran into Derek on Montlake so we ended up doing a couple more efforts. He was killing me at the false flat near the top. I suck at false flats.

Wed. Night World were good. Super fast course with little climbing. The start was pretty clean, but young Graver redlined it and started blowing corners which opened a large gap. I moved around him a began to close. For most of the race I was by myself uptil the end when Norton and somebody else caught me. I was happy with the effort.

On Sat. I went back over to Cashmere with Norton, the Knapps and Bennie from Rad Racing. We went over Red Devil then up Devils to the saddle. The original plan was to go over Red Hill to the cars, but by the time we got to the bottom of Devils we were low on water and already had 4 hours ride time. The dirt road seemed to be a better way back. ANother good day on the trail.


Ahhh..the Dry Side

Pat and I headed over to Cashmere, WA to ride the trails on the dry side of the state. We weren't entirely sure how the snow melt was going, but were pretty sure that the Red Hill and Red Devil trails would be snow free as well as a good part of Devils Gulch.

The day was cool and cloudy, but the forecast called for sun in a couple hours. It was actually a great temp for the starting climb up Red Devil. The trails were surprisingly dry for this early in the years and the entire state had a great snow year.

Pat hadn't been on any long rides this year so we started the climbing a moderate pace.

On the first descent I could tell my dry, loose skills were a bit rusty so I took things pretty easy.

We ended a great day with a Rusty burger as we watched all the yahoos head over to Wenatchee for Apple Blossom.